Ieri, ad una settimana dalla mia Laurea (qui tutte le foto) ho festeggiato con alcuni amici e parenti nella magica location di Villa Turrita. E’ da dire, io ho scelto solo abito rosso e sandali gioielli, il resto dell’organizzazione e stata portata avanti da mia madre e mia nonna che mi hanno sorpresa per l’impeccabile serata! Il tema della serata: il rosso. Cristallo, porcellane, nastri, fiocchi, tulle ed una cascata, location perfetta per una serata indimenticabile e set perfetto per uno shooting outfit!
Yesterday, after a week from my degree (here all the photos) I had my degree’s party with my family and my friends at Villa Turrita. I have to say that I only choosed my red dress and sandals and my mother and my grandmother have organized the party and everything was perfect. The evening’s theme was red. There were crystal, porcelain dishes, bows, tulle and a waterfall for a perfect evening and a perfect outfit shooting (I will share it as soon as possible!)
I was wearing
Promgirl dress
Luciano Barachini Sandals
Sodini earrings